Friday, January 23, 2009

Quarter 2: Outside Reading Post #15

The car that Baba gave to Amir also served as a transportation unit for both of them to go around and buy things from garage sales, then sell them at the flea market. The Afghanistan section of the flea market is filled with people that used to be doctors, lawyers, and professionals. One of Baba's acquaintances, General Sahib, Mr. Iqbal Taheri, was at the flea market. In addition to meeting General Sahib, Amir also meets his daughter, Soraya. Amir begins to develop a crush on Soraya. Instead of talking to General Sahib and sending his regard, one day Amir was very bold and asks Soyara a question about the book she was reading. They start to talk, and in the mist of their talk, Jamila, Soraya's mother, returns and she smiles instead of acting scandalized. Amir stays for a bit longer, then when he leaves Jamila invites him to visit again. For the next few days, Amir keeps a close eye on the stalls, and when the General leaves for a walk, Amir walks by the General's stand to see if Soraya is there. Occasionally, when Jamila is there, she would invite him in for a cup of tea and to chat. One day, when Amir and Soraya were talking, she told him that she wanted to be a teacher and told him a story about how she once taught a servant how to read. Then, Amir shares a story with Soraya, a story that he wrote, and a moment after receiving it, the General returns to the stand, takes his story and throws it in the trash.

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