Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Quarter 3: Gender Roles

In a recent study by the University of Arizona , stated that over 300 women held in the immigration detention centers in Arizona are being mistreated and are experience delays of health care. Although the officials at these facilities are reassuring people that no mistreatment to being done, the detainees and former detainees are saying something completely different. Some of these alleged mistreatment stories, are that the officials are waiting until medical problems become serious, then they consider letting the women go to medical treatment. There are several account where they refused to give pregnant women prenatal vitamins or sonograms, and according some of the detainees there have been some miscarriages. This article is making me wonder, which side of this argument is actually telling the truth. At first you dont believe the study and that there thinking that women are mistreeted in the centers, but as soon as you hear the stories of the detainees, you start to believe what they are saying.

Frosch, Dan. "Report Faults Treatment of Women Held at Immigration Centers ". The New York Times. 20 January 2009. 11 February 2009.

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